Friday, December 21, 2007

The ninth one

This week has been a turning point. I have written 15 000 words since Monday morning. There is a VAST DIFFERENCE between a book that is 70K in, and one that is 85K in. One is only halfway, and one is on the way to being finished. I'm approaching a turning point, the middle of the middle, and I'm quite pleased with the words piling up, but not at all pleased with the quality of the writing. It is hysterical, melodramatic, people shout at each other without reason.


I just have to keep moving forward. It can all be fixed later. The important thing is to write it. I have an interim goal of finishing another two chapters by Xmas, so there will be no rest for me in coming days (including my birthday tomorrow). I must try not to have a deadline over Christmas next year.

It's not too bad, though, as far as a life goes. I start writing at 6, my beautiful husband brings me breakfast and looks after the kids, I finish around 10 and then spend time with the family. When the children go to bed at night, I either do a little bit of other work or play World of Warcraft... it's hardly the salt mines!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The eighth one

Weather: summery and breezy evening
Listening to: Christopher O'Riley "True Love Waits"

What do you suppose other people are doing on Saturday nights? I imagine them getting dressed up real purty, going to dinners and movies, enjoying the evening air... I am chained to this desk for however long it takes to write the 2346 words I need to hit my interim goal of 70 000 words. The longer I procrastinate, the later I'm going to be up (and the tireder I'm going to be tomorrow when one/both of my children wake me at dawn). So why am I on this blog, wasting word-energy and time? Hmm?

I will edit this post when I am done.

9.45pm. Done.

Friday, December 7, 2007

The seventh one

Weather: I wouldn't know, I'm in aircon (probably quite sweaty)
Listening to: Stars of the Lid "And the Refinement of their Decline"

60 000. I'll say it again. 60 000. I've fixed my dramas, and I am writing forward again. The next 30K or so is planned out, and there's some good stuff in there so I just need to get it down. My goal is to get to 100K by the end of the month. In a month that includes my birthday and Christmas. No rest for sinners like me!

Sometimes when I am writing, a little voice in my brain helpfully tells me that I am applying crapola to the page in large measure (I imagine a palette and a spatula, rather in the way that render is applied to walls). That little voice may be right, but there is no place for self-doubt just now. I have promised myself that I am allowed to doubt myself on February the first, but not until then, when I have a 140 000 word manuscript printed out beside me.

Tonight my son fell asleep on the couch here in my office. My husband is out with his brothers and the little guy always feels a bit unsafe when the big guy isn't around. It's primal, I'm sure. So here I am, writing away, trying to hit that magic number (60 000 la la la); and Luka is sitting up telling me increasingly incoherent things as he gets tireder and tireder (is tireder a word; it ought to be!) I could not have imagined, ten yeas ago when I started in this silly business, that I would be able to write with anyone in the room, let alone a small noisy person. Goes to show, most artistic crises are a load of hogwash. If you need to get it done, you'll get it done.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The sixth one

Weather: summer rain
Listening to: Deepspace (aka. my husband

I fixed it! The second half of the beginning should have actually been the first third of the middle. Do you see?!?!?!

All I had to do was moderate the pace. Slot in some extra scenes, flesh out some summaries. Now I have added 7000 words to the MS and my middle-not-beginning problem is fixed. I would love to have the time to explain to you what the difference between beginning and middle is (as they have quite different functions) but, alas, it is after 9pm and if I want to get up at 5 to write I'd better go to bed 15 mins ago. See, I even get into my pjs frantically.

I sat in a very nice cafe (okay, it was Gossips at Toowong) last Thursday and nutted out the next big chunk of scenes. Quite pleased with myself. I was rushing (can't think why) and hadn't given a significant subplot (with great narrative potential) its full weight. Now, fleshed out, it gives me lots of material to work with. I have decided that if I can hit 100 000 words by Dec 31, I can finish the book. If I can't make that goal, then I will phone my agent on Jan 1st and ask for more time. I am not good at asking for more time.

Will report back in due course.
