Saturday, November 17, 2007

The third one

Weather: rain clearing
Listening to: Jayne Hockley and Taryn Fiebig "Thyme and Roses"

Today I write from the Slough of Despond. The pressure to keep writing is immense, and yet I have a list of other things to do which is a mile long. Including editing another book. I must finish part two of this book THIS WEEK if I'm to have any hope of meeting its Jan 31 deadline. This morning I have been trying to write a fairly straightforward scene, and it feels like the words are brussels sprouts that I am pushing about on a plate. God, look at that sentence! Is it any wonder I am in despair. If my 5 year old hadn't woken me at 1am with a nightmare, then climbed into bed and chatted to me, then refused to get back into his own bed, screaming and therefore waking the baby... well, perhaps I would have been in a better frame of mind to make good sentences. My heart is spiky, as though little darts of adrenalin are constantly assailing it. This can't be healthy, right?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know what that crescenet comment meant, because I don't even know what language it was written in! What the heck?!

Good luck with your blog and your writing Kim.

It must be very hard trying to write daily to a tight publishing deadline while having young children around. Also, feeling tired while trying to be creative is something I would find very hard to cope with on a daily basis.

Short of getting a nanny and taking off to write at a writing retreat, I guess it's just a tough period that must be endured in the name of your love of writing. Good luck!

Good on you for starting a blog Kim. A great idea, and I hope you get lots of regular responses.

Hey, other WEPPIES, when are you all going to post here?


Unknown said...

Maybe all that adrenalim will be like lemon zest on your brussel sprouts...
It's great to read your blog for an insight into your writing process.

Joanna said...

Good on you Kim for starting up this Blog. I am not sure what the comment from Crescenet means, as I do not understand the language. I like the design of it. Very pink.

It must be hard writing daily with young children, and feeling sleep deprived. I trust you will meet the tight publishing deadline, despite the challenges that lie ahead. Good luck!

Other WEPPIES, come and join Kim's Blog here! Joanna

Anonymous said...

while at lagoon pocket beein' bee, i was thinking about the 'girls from russia' (just finished the bronze horseman) and how i missed the updates.

glad to see you suckered into blogging. it's not a bad thing.

i thank. good bye friend.

p.s. you have to love a spam comment that start with 'oi, achei seu'. makes me want to say 'bless you'.

Nicky Strickland said...

Hi Kim,

You've succumbed to blogging oh my!

Intresting Spanish, or is it Portuguese comment you have there. (That's my uneducated guess).

I'm so glad I didn't attempt deadline writing with short people (doing a 2nd degree during that & only with one was enough thank you very much).
Given I've started a new job (that involves lots of words, but not writing per se) I can talk *lol*. For once I'm glad there are no deadlines to whoosh by!

Good luck and many cups of tea & children-sleeping extra long hours to you :-)
