Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The second one

Weather: beautiful rainy day
Listening to: Brian McBride "When Detail Lost its Freedom"

The Frantic Writer has about 130 000 words to write by January 31st. So I get up very early--usually between 4 and 5 am--to write. This means I am always tired (especially if I stay up too late the night before playing World of Warcraft... ahem...) but the deadline looms. This morning, however, my 14 month old daughter decided that she would like to be awake from 4.30am too. Fearing that she would wake her 5 year old brother, I brought her in here to my office. Now I am writing, frantically as always, while she trashes my office. There are coloured plastic paperclips strewn everywhere, file cards upended, books pulled out of shelves etc. And yet, I have managed to write 1000 words so I mustn't complain. But it is certainly very different from the old, pre-children, days when I might write... if in the mood... uninterrupted for hours at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pah! you can do it. i have complete faith in you.
i looked up 'determined' in dictionary dot com. your name was there.