Thursday, January 31, 2008

The fourteenth one

Weather: balmy
Listening to: Kasey Chambers

It is done! I finished today at about quarter past three. I'll need to do a little fixing up, but it should be good to email tomorrow afternoon. So, yes, I finished it on its due date. What can I say? I take deadlines seriously.

I was wracked with the usual self-doubts at the end, but ploughed ahead anyway. I wrote 6000 words today, so the total word count for the novel is now just over 162 000 words. I'm in the strange position of not having discussed the ending with anyone, so I have no idea if I've misjudged it. In my nightmares, it's melodramatic rubbish with lots of people shouting. In my dreams, it's a clever twist that will create amazing word-of-mouth. The truth lies in between, I'm sure.

It's been hard to concentrate this week, with my little boy starting school on Tuesday, and then the discovery of a possible funnel web spider in our house (turned out to be a mouse spider... they look very similar).

What I'm looking forward to most of all: just hanging out with the kids on the weekend. And then... starting to think about the next book. No deadline.

Don't know if I'll keep posting here. We'll see. I'm going to try to be a little less frantic from here on in.



Anonymous said...


Nicky Strickland said...

A very big WOO HOO!

Congratulations Kim. Knew you'd do it.

Sure school has been a rollercoaster (mine started Gr 9, eek).

Just think you can have carte blanche in a week to torture my other half & get him writing. He had the nerve to tell me to knuckle down & write. Pot/kettle????

I look forward to reading it & how you have evolved this world & its inhabitants.

Anonymous said...


i googled "mouse spider". holy crud, that's a scary one. i used to own tarantulas. i don't scare easy, but did you see the face on those? oy! poorly named arachnid. should be shiny black spider-o-death!

i'm sure the end will be fine. didn't you tell us that the next step is dealing with the post-its? i'm sure your editor and you will give us a good ending. i enjoyed the one in D. had to get up and pace.

appreciate your sharing all this, but if it adds to your frantic state, it isn't worth it. sigh. i have you filed under "language & literature" in google reader. it's the only blog that shows emotion. the others are so clinical (bloody linguists). would miss it, but would never ask you to put more on your plate.

enjoy your weekend.

Joanna said...

Congratulations Kim!

You met the deadline with a few hours to spare. Excellent.

All the best,

Joanna :)