Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The tenth one

Weather: bizarro; rainy one minute, sunny the next
Music: Vaughn-Williams, "The Lark Ascending"

I can't work in these conditions!!!!

I have had 6 hours sleep, I am sitting at my desk trying to write (should hit 100K today) and a small pink-clad creature is shouting "Mama! Up!" at me over and over, because she wants to play with my mouse. When I don't pick her up, she makes this noise: "Eeeeargh!" I have filled my office with expensive and educational toys, but she wants none of those.

For all of you reading this that don't have children and are struggling to finish a book: shut up! no, shut up!

Excuse my rudeness. I'm tired and emotional.

As the days go by, my ability to meet this deadline becomes a complicated mathematical problem. Divide word count by days remaining; assign word counts to chapters; recalculate projected word count; divide by days remaining again... I have to admit now that I have no idea what I'm doing, or whether I will finish the book on time.

Lord! She has actual tears on her cheeks! Over a mouse! I suppose I'd better go and sing a happy song. Luckily I've got NOTHING MORE PRESSING TO DO.

And she just dumped all my papers on the floor. "Wow!" she said. "Wow."


Anonymous said...

Hi Kim I have been checking in with your blog to see if you make your word count. It was an idle interest because I never really doubted that you would, although it sounds pretty hectic there today....I have been looking at this quote from Virgina Woolf alot lately and taking a bit of heart from it. Here it is, hope it finds you building up a few words (and that the child is still alive)..."It is worth mentioning, for future reference, that the creative power which bubbles so pleasantly in beginning a new book quiets down after a time, and one goes on more steadily. Doubts creep in. Then one becomes resigned. Determination not to give in, and the sense of an impending shape keep one at it more than anything."
You'll be right, keep going.

Anonymous said...

offer the child some pi.

no no no, thank you thank you. i'm here all week. try the prawns.

Joanna said...

The coal face of Gold Dust. Making gold through fire, tears and brimstone.

Heaven help you, having to deal with small ones while trying to write. That IS hard work. Just glad I'm through that stage of parenting.

You will remember the pink mouse with a special fondness after this (if you haven't torn off its head by then, in lieu of a Barbie not being on hand)!

It's all good.

Nicky Strickland said...

Hi Kim,

Ah, the memories *smile, then shudder - repeat til memory is repressed*.

I'm so glad I didn't attempt creative writing at that lovely stage (the sleep deprivation went on for too many years). Studying academia was bad enough.

Hang in there, you'll make it. The mouse may not, the child won't remember but you will (& boy will you have some 'frustration/angst' emotions to draw on I'm sure).

As with all things, this too will pass. The weather is a great way of proving this at present...

Anonymous said...

For, er ... fun and possible inspiration I decided to draw out a tarot card on whether you'd finish your word count on time.

9 of Wands - Wand = ideas, growth, ambition, expansion

Focus: The focus is on character, stamina and self-discipline, courage, faith or conviction, doing your best according to the circumstances you find yourself in, gathering strength, biding time or awaiting the right moment to act.
(which isn't perhaps that helpful to determining word court success)

But Mail is: You will mail a document or manuscript and be awaiting a reply.

Best Course of Action: Stay on purpose with your intention and what you want.

Outcome: There's no getting around it, you're going to have to wait for the final prognosis.

The clarification card was 2 of Wands. This is the Success: Your work will be well received, and you will be praised for its quality and thoroughness. You will also be afforded the opportunity to advance your position or make more money... (there was more but romance isn't relevant to word count?)

Outcome: You will find a way through, but not yet be completely established.
